Our Story

Our mission of providing sanctuary to formerly factory farmed animals connects our community and awakens compassion for all animals. Providing education to help animals, improve the environment and our health can lead to a balanced environment for all to thrive and survive.



We founded and became an official 501C3 in May. In September we took in our first residents, 6 roosters from Kaporros out of NYC. Soon after Francis and Patrick Pigs were taken in from a local CAFO.


Our First volunteers came in February and April and became caretakers of the animals. They are still with us today.


We are working to continue to grow the sanctuary and working on future endeavors!


We broke ground on building the Sanctuary


Debbie Davis decided in 2016 to open Blueberry Lane Animal Farm Sanctuary.

Noah's Care Center for Education and Vet Care.

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Future Goals

Becoming Self Sufficient

Blueberry Lane to become Self Sufficient, by using our Care center for education and growing supporters.


Adding to the existing land acreage,

Blueberry Lane is not only committed to helping the animals on our sanctuary and to provide a safe haven for those who may need it. We also work with other organizations to help spread awareness for the betterment of all sentient beings.

Since 2018, we have given sanctuary to animals from factory farms. Please help us to continue to grow and help support animals who need us!